My published work includes a range of essays and books in English and German. Recent books are:
Lebendigkeit sei! Für eine Politik des Lebens
(Towards Cultures of Aliveness. Politics and Poetics in a Postdualistic Age)
With Andreas Weber. Published by thinkOya in 2015.
Lebendigkeit sei! Für eine Politik des Lebens
(Towards Cultures of Aliveness. Politics and Poetics in a Postdualistic Age)
With Andreas Weber. Published by thinkOya in 2015.
Die rote Blume. Aesthetische Praxis in Zeiten des Wandels
(The Red Flower: Aesthetic Practices in Times of Change. English edition forthcoming.)
Published by Think Oya in November 2013.
Stepping Lightly. On the Way Toward Another World
(Leicht auftreten. Unterwegs zu einer anderen Welt. Ein Tagebuch.)
Published by the Verlag fuer Akademische Schriften (VAS) in October 2011.
Growing! On the Spiritual in Sustainability
(Wachsen! Über das Geistige in der Nachhaltigkeit)
Re-published by Mayer Edition, Stuttgart in 2010.
More information is available here.